Premium Support#
Premium Support is a Smart+ only feature, that grants you direct access to our support team. This is done using a dedicated Zulip service instance. It’s the fastest way to get in touch with the developers as they are members of the support team.

You will need to register yourself by clicking on the button towards the bottom of the page.
You will then receive an invitation in your mail box to join our instance at
This invitation is valid for 10 days. If you fail to accept the invitation in that period, you will need to ask
for another invitation from In that case, the request may take some time to be
There are 2 streams created per organization: Technical and Accounting. You may create sub-topics per stream.
You may ask to invite other people (even people who are not members of Manager) to the organization streams.
Zulip offers mobile apps that we recommend to have quick notifications. There are also emails sent in case you missed messages.
Both service updates and new versions of the Air Navigation Pro app are advertised in a public stream.
The premium support allows you to request the scheduling of phone calls for assistance. To prevent abuse, the situation will need first to be assessed by our experts.
We try our best to be available every day, but during the weekends/holidays and the nights in Europe we may not respond quickly.
organizations which are using a Smart subscription may always contact the Manager support at, but the delay for reply may be longer.